Address: 127 Westmore Drive, Toronto, ON

Bird Dog

Real Estate Bird Dog

Best friend for real estate investors

Bird Dog: “A bird dog is a person who finds opportunity for Canadian real estate investors to step in with cash and buy”.
A Bird Dog typically receives a gift (worth $500.00) or a similar value for providing the information that lead to a completed real estate deal.

DEFINITION of ‘Bird Dog’: A real estate investing term that refers to someone who spends their time trying to locate
properties with substantial investment potential. Usually, the intent is to find properties that are distressed and selling at a discount price. These properties can be repaired or remodeled and sold for a sizable profit. Bird dig term is also used to refer to people (referral partner) who find discounted price properties .

The term itself is a reference to hunting dogs that would point to the location of birds and then retrieve them once the hunter had shot them.

Bird DogBecoming a Bird Dog when starting out in real estate is a great way to make friends, as well as you are risking no money while you begin in the investment community in Canada.

Generate Leads Your First Day with the help of Bird Dog!  The concept is simple: we all drive past distressed properties every day. Bird dogs just make it easy for anyone to send you that information. When they see a distressed property (high weeds, run down, burn down, desperate in repairs, foreclosure, power of sale boards on windows, etc.), they simply snap a picture of the property and send it to Canadian real estate investor.

The bird dogs can become lead generating powerhouse. Some bird dogs will be casual users and generate a few leads per month. Some bird dogs will go all out and generate number of leads each month. Pursue the hot leads or chase them all. It’s your choice!

Generate Leads on a Massive Scale by turning everyone to be a Bird Dog!

If you have 10 bird dogs finding properties, and each one finds 5 properties, that’s 50 leads you have in a month!

Want more leads? Add more bird dogs or inspire your team to generate more leads! Some aggressive bird dogs can find more than 10 properties per month. Do the math that’s a lot of leads!!

Need To See Some Statistics Bird Dogs in Canada: The average Bird dogs investor received 64 leads in their first 6 months on Bird dogs.

The average Bird dogs investor had 8-10 bird dogs generating leads in their first 6 months on Bird dogs. Canadian real estate investors get around 8 leads a month per bird dog.

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