Worth over $75Billion and considered to be one of the world’s most successful investors, Warren Buffet was asked what his advice is for being successful in 2017.

His answer was Christmas cards should not just be for Christmas but should be for the whole year.

Buffet writes a letter or a handwritten note almost everyday which typically includes a line of gratitude, or a few words of praise.warren-buffett-knewrich

Buffet says that whether its business or pleasure, ultimately everything is personal.

To relate it back to real estate – next time you are flipping areal estate deal, be more personal and see the difference it makes.

Panic sellers feel much more comfortable once you connect with them on a personal level.“Hand written notes add a lot more value, respect and trust” says Navtaj Chandhoke, founder of Professional real estate investors group (PREIG) Canada.

It is the businesses and people who endear themselves to others, that are the ones which will endure.

Mike Flint, Warren Buffet’s personal airline pilot says that Buffet loves to have deep conversations and is more interested in hearing about your childhood, what makes you mad, what makes you laugh and what makes you cry rather than talking all things investment.


As Buffet says, “Trust grows not from reason, but from the heart. How people feel has more binding power than how they think. Besides, life is so much fun when you’re trusted and worthy of trust.”

So don’t just communicate, connect. Warren Buffet’s advice for 2017.

Connect with fellow real estate investors at Professional real estate investors group (PREIG) Canada at the next networking meeting.#3


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“If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die.” ― Warren Buffet

Rule No. 1: Never lose money; Rule No. 2: Don’t forget Rule No. 1. – Warren Buffet

Every saint has a past. Every sinner has a future. –Warren Buffet