Address: 127 Westmore Drive, Toronto, ON

Building Garden Suite Edmonton-Alberta

Building Garden Suite Edmonton-Alberta allows maximum one-time grant of up to $20,000. There are many different programs that are available to Alberta Homeowners to save money on purchasing homes, or making renovations.  A Secondary Suite:Is a self-contained dwelling located within a single detached house
Has separate cooking, sleeping and bathing facilities. Has a separate entrance from the single detached house, either from a common indoor landing or directly from the exterior of the house


Building Garden Suite Edmonton-Alberta

Is a self-contained dwelling located above or attached to a side or rear of a detached garage, or detatched from the principal single detatched house Is accessory to a single detached house
Has an entrance separate from the vehicle entrance to the rear detached garage, either from a common indoor landing or directly from the exterior of the structure
Has separate cooking, sleeping and bathroom facilities

Building Garden Suite Edmonton-Alberta
Get your copy of
Directory Forgivable Canadian Real Estate Grants
now at

Eligibility of the Homeowner (Applicant) for Building Garden Suite Edmonton-Alberta

Fund at least 50% of the eligible costs (without relying on other government funding)
Be the owner-occupier of the principal residential unit where the suite is proposed
Rent the secondary suite to an eligible tenant earning within the maximum income threshold by household size in the city of Edmonton
Sign and commit to fulfill the terms and conditions of a 5-year operating agreement
Have no tax arrears on the property
Hold title or have valid offer to purchase

Building Garden Suite Edmonton-Alberta

Funding Parameters

Maximum one-time grant of up to $20,000
Up to a maximum of 50% of the eligible costs
Meet City zoning and Alberta Building Code requirements to permit a secondary or garden suite
Suite must be located within the boundaries of the City of Edmonton
Eligible costs include: required servicing, building materials, qualified labour for construction to meet minimum health and safety code requirements for secondary suites, valid development and construction permits


Ineligible costs include: furnishings, appliances, and site development
Costs incurred prior to approval of Cornerstones grant funding are not eligible
Funding will be committed based on the figures submitted. Cost overruns will not be covered by the City of Edmonton


Application Requirements (Required Documentation)

Completed application form, signed and dated by all parties on title
Copy of Notice of Directors or a Corporation Search if the property is owned by a company
Valid 2017 development permit form for a secondary suite or a valid garden suite permit
Itemized estimates of the total construction costs of the proposed suite
Copy of a floor plan of the proposed suite approved by a City Plans Examiner
Copy of land title or valid offer to purchase
Copy of current property tax notice or assessment
Confirmation of project financingApplication Process

Building Garden Suite Edmonton-Alberta

Submit a completed application package with all the required documentation to: Housing and Homelessness, 2nd Floor, Edmonton Tower, 10111 104 Avenue NW
Approval of grant funding will be given in writing within an approval package which will contain an approval letter, 4 operating agreements, and schedule A for potential tenants to fill out
Schedule and pass pre-drywall inspection
Schedule and pass final inspection
Submit copies of paid receipts/invoices and return the 4 copies of the operating agreement (with original signatures of all parties on title) to: Housing and Homelessness, 2nd Floor, Edmonton Tower, 10111 104 Avenue NW
City will issue the cheque when all requirements have been met
A completion package will be sent shortly thereafter which will contain a completion letter, occupancy permit sticker, and a sealed operating agreement


Post-construction Obligations

The homeowner must maintain tenancy records for the term of the 5 year operating agreement, and make them available at any time the City requests to see them
The homeowner must notify the City when the suite is vacant during the term of the operating agreement
The City retains the right to access the property and monitor the project and ensure compliance with all terms and conditions of the operating agreement over its 5-year term
The City may inspect a Program-funded property on an annual basis
The homeowner and tenant must provide a City inspector access within one week of a request being made to enter the premises for up to 5 years after the receipt of Program funding
A homeowner who breaches the terms of the signed operating agreement will result in full repayment of the entire grant amount.


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Building Garden Suite Edmonton-Alberta
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