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- Dec 26, 2017
- Ontario Real Estate Grants, Real estate grants
Home ownership Assistance Loan Program
Note: Funds have been provided by the Government of Canada and the Province of Ontario through the Investment in Affordable Housing – Extension program.
Get your copy of Directory Forgivable Canadian Real Estate Grants now at www.GovernmentGrantsCanada.ca
Peterborough Renovates Program – Contact Habitat for Humanity
Forgivable Grants for Peterborough Home Owners
The Peterborough Renovates Program (PRP) provides loans and grants to low and moderate income homeowners in the City and County of Peterborough. It helps these homeowners to afford needed repairs, including accessibility and efficiency upgrades. Accessibility grants up to $5,000 and forgivable loans up to $25,000 are available.
The Delivery Agent for PRP is Habitat for Humanity Peterborough & Kawartha Region. Please direct all questions and requests for application packages to staff at Habitat for Humanity's office.
Habitat for Humanity, Peterborough & Kawartha Region
Phone 705-750-1456 or toll free 1-855-750-1456
Email louise@habitatpkr.ca
http://www.habitatpeterborough.ca/progr … renovates/
This 2017 Program Backgrounder outlines some key points about the Peterborough Renovates Program. Some types of building repairs and upgrades that may be eligible under this program include: Foundational and structural, heating systems, windows, exterior doors, roofs, septic systems, water supply, electrical and plumbing, and accessibility features.
Forgivable Grants for Peterborough

Other Details:
Program funding begins in April of each year and is delivered on a first-come, first-served basis to eligible applicants, while funding is available. Applications will be available until September and processed as funding is available. When funding for each year has been expended, applicants will be placed on a waiting list until more funding is available under that year's allocation (some exceptions may apply). Detailed information about the program is available in the Peterborough Renovates Program Guidelines. Funds have been provided by the Government of Canada and the Province of Ontario.
Rent Supplement Programs
Rent supplements help people with low-incomes by making rent more affordable in the City and County of Peterborough. Through an application, rent supplements assist people in financial need and people who are on the Centralized Waiting List for social Housing. There are two ways that the rent supplement amount is determined: flat-rate or geared-to-income.
Flat-rate rent supplements bring the cost of rent for the tenant down by a fixed rate between $100-$250 per month. Rent supplements are paid to the landlord. Low-income verification is required for tenant eligibility.
Some rent supplements are attached to units in specific buildings. Others are “portable”, which means that the tenant can move and the rent supplement can be moved with them into their new home. Rent supplement availability is limited.
Details on where to apply and the types of rent supplement:
Geared-to-income supplement, paid to landlord
Based on income verification and eligibility, 30% of Jane's monthly household employment income is $500. Her rent is $750, therefore the rent supplement amount is $250.
Housing Resource Centre
540 George Street Peterborough
Flat-rate supplement, paid to landlord Based on Joe's income verification and eligibility $200 is the set rate of his rent supplement.
This Rent Supplement Program Outline provides additional information about the rent supplement programs in the City and County of Peterborough.
If you are a private landlord who is looking for more information on rent supplement programs, please contact:
Housing Access Peterborough at 705-742-0439, and/or
Housing Resource Centre at 705-743-2272.
We believe the information contained in this article to be accurate.It is presented with the understanding that we are not engaged in rendering legal,accounting, or investment advice. When professional assistance is required, utilize the services of a licensed real estate broker, lawyer, accountant, or other consultant as may be required.